S.S. Fawkes - CF-142AC


  • 2 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sunday November 25th, 2018 @ 15:35 hours

James Phillips

Name James Phillips

Position Deck Hand (Able)

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 36

Physical Appearance

Hair Color Dark
Eye Color Brown

Family & Acquaintances

Spouse Tracey Collins (Ex-wife)
Children Michael Phillips (16, lives with his mother)
Father Patrick Phillips (Mechanic, Earth)
Mother Diana Phillips-Andrews (Housewife, Earth)
Siblings Several

Personality & Traits


Personal History Married his high school sweetheart at 19, a few weeks after they found out she was pregnant with Michael. James put his dream of working in space away and worked in his father's garage. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't help to wonder what if. And that effected his relationship with Tracy. That and the fact they were absolutely not compatible as a couple. Over a decade of playing house they decided it was in both their and Michael's best interest if they split up and co-parent.

James found a job with a freighter company, first as a ordinary deck hand and later a able deckhand. He tries to see Michael whenever he is at Earth, who lives with Tracey to offer him a more stable home. He missed his son like crazy, but loves his job and the opportunity to travel around space.
Service Record 2389-2391: SS Destiny - Ordinary deck hand
2391-2395: SS Destiny - Able deck hand
2395 - Present: SS Fawkes - Able deck hand