S.S. Fawkes - CF-142AC


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Thursday February 20th, 2020 @ 09:13 hours

Meghan Moreau

Name Meghan Véronique Moreau

Position Former First Mate

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35
Known Aliases T'Mura (Vulcan), Zassah Zh'rhatro (Andorian)

Physical Appearance

Height 177cm
Weight 75kg
Hair Color Brunette with blond highlights
Eye Color Light Brown
Physical Description Meghan knows what she's got and she flaunts it. She's a social chameleon that knows how to dress and act in different situations. Whether she needs to fit in with rough neck freighter folk or with high class politicians. Her natural brown curls are never out of place, they are as wild or as well kept as she chooses them to be, nothing about her appearance is left to chance.
Distinguishing Marks or Features A burn mark on her lower back is all that remains after a grazing shot from a disruptor pistol.

Family & Acquaintances

Father François Moreau, Ph.D. (65) - Curator, Le Louvre Museum of Art, Paris, Earth
Mother Alicia Moreau-Goddard, Ph.D. (61) - Professor on Federation History, Amsterdam School of Higher Learning - Amsterdam, Earth
Siblings Dr. Valentine Moreau M.D. (32) - Trauma surgeon, New Berlin, Luna
Hannah Moreau (29) - Holo-Novellist, Amsterdam, Earth

Personality & Traits

General Overview Meghan seems likable, but uses the amicable nature to get close to people without having to have people get close to her. She doesn't startle easily and always seems to have a rebuke ready for whatever someone says to her. When it comes down to it she can be cold and downright ruthless.
Strengths & Weaknesses Social situations is where she shines. She knows her way around people and can find their soft spots easily. She knows which buttons to push to get what she wants. She's a bit less socially adept when she's asked to be her authentic self. She manipulates and pulls the strings, she doesn't like it when the same is being done to her and can lose her cool if she feels she's lost control. Whenever she's manipulating people and scamming them she will always 'die with the lie', never one to break character.
Ambitions To build a successful enterprise or lead an strong organisation. The more short term ambition is to get out of incarceration and to get back at Mayterial, who she blames for her arrest in 2395.
Quirks & Flaws Meghan has a tendency to lie about even the smallest things. Even if it's just a little turn on the truth.
Passions Meghan is obsessed with earrings. She likes all styles from all species. She had a huge collection of them aboard the Fawkes.


Personal History The Moreau family name means something in the better parts of Paris. For several generations the Moreau have had a hand in the higher end of society in the former French capital. Located on the Utopian planet in the idyllic centre of the Federation Meghan had everything she could have ever wanted during her upbringing. The family lived in a large residence in one of the more high end arrondissements.

Meghan was the first born child and wanted for nothing during her younger years. She was given the best education available on Earth, with all the freedom she wanted to choose her own focus of development, her parents continuously supportive and encouraging. This didn't waver when her two siblings were born three and six years later. By the time she attended her secondary education she had already built up and interesting and impressive skill set. As puberty started to affect her she found that she was bored with that life. She started to associate with people that her parents would later brand 'bad influences' and started to break what little rules the Moreau household had.

Her parents were patient and lenient towards her as she went through this phase, hoping it would blow over and she would settle back down once she got rid of her wild years. That patience found its limit when one night the sixteen year old Meghan was nowhere to be found until her parents got a call from a police officer in New Berlin, on Luna. Meghan and her friends had arranged to be transported there. They had taken to exploring the lunar colony and had been caught when they were spraying graffiti, curious to see if the difference in gravity affected their skills. Unfortunately the artificial gravity prevented them from conducting a proper experiment.

For the first time in all of her years she was grounded for a month, only allowed outside for her school and the community service she was ordered to do by local authorities. Unfortunately all this community service did was get her into contact with more 'bad influences'. One of which was Gerald, two years older than her.

Over the course of the year Gerald and Meghan started to develop a relationship and he started to involve her in some shady businesses that his cousin was running. There was a roaring tourist industry on Earth in general and Paris in particular. Gerald and his cousin made a good living out of offering the tourists sight seeing tours around the city, with most of the money coming from valuable items that these tourists 'lost' during their stay in Paris or one of the other major cities they operated in. With Meghan being added to the fold they could increase their range of operations and added some confidence tricks to their trade.

Between her sixteenth and twenty-first birthday Meghan was arrested three more times on minor hustling charges. Each time her parents tried to instill some sort of responsibility in her. Her grades in school were fading, if she attended at all and most nights she didn't even bother to come home any more. A few months after her twenty-first birthday Gerald was caught extorting some Andorian tourists. True to form he involved Meghan in the charges, first as an alibi and later as a co-conspirator. Meghan, blinded through her infatuation with him, covered for him and was charged herself with obstruction of justice and several counts of racketeering.

Meghan stuck to her story, as she was taught by Gerald and her cousin to die with the lie. Gerald was a lot less true to his own teachings and ratted her and his cousin out in order to get his sentence reduced. Due to this she spent several years in a penitentiary near Paris while he walked three after just sixteen months.

When she finally did her time she wanted to return to him but found him in the arms of another, younger, woman. Back to his old tricks but having replaced her quite easily. Heartbroken she made the trip that had gotten her on this path and returned to New Berlin. Her brother had started his medical education in the Lunar capital and was the only one still in contact with her, believing in the good she still had in her heart.

While it might be true that there is some good in her heart in the end the shadow side won out. Taking some valuable items and several bars of Gold Pressed latinum he had in his residence to pay for a trip away from the Sol system and the prying eyes of her family and the more familiar faces within the law enforcement community within the system. A short stop at Mars put her on a flight to Rangalor VI, near Romulan space. It was almost as if the planet had a split personality, on the one hand having a lush, green and tropical landmass and on the other end having an urban centre that spanned over 70% of its secondary landmass. She started to work the bars in the urban area. With its proximity to the operational center of the seventh fleet many vessels frequented the planet in order to allow their officers some well deserved R&R.

Quickly it became clear that the Starfleet officers and their families that came through Rangalor had some exotic tastes and enough credits to their name to make it worth her while. Meghan quickly connected with some of the local underground organisations and was able to hook up the people on the Federation vessels with goods from the planet's surface.

It was in this capacity that she encountered Mayterial Droz for the first time. They quickly hit it off and it was clear from the get go they looked at this universe in much the same way. With a person on the inside of Starfleet the business venture Meghan was running grew rapidly. Her connections increasing beyond Rangalor, all the while being able to keep a low profile by sticking to her night job in the club.

In 2385 her meticulously built smuggling and distribution ring came crashing down when Mayterial was caught while in posession of a large cache of Romulan ale as well as several rare Cardassian artefacts. She was able to shift most of the blame to her suppliers and got a reduced sentence through that, with her wish to be returned to the correctional facility of La Santé, in her home town of Paris.

After five years spent in the facility Meghan returned to live among the rest of society and immediately reached out to Mayterial, who by this time was half way across the quadrant. They reconnected through subspace transmissions and were slowly working their way towards each other by taking odd jobs and freighter routes that were headed towards one another. Finally meeting back up near the Orion sector. After the Hobus supernova the quadrant was in disarray and the Orion Syndicates were once again gaining the upper hand in the day to day operations of the Orion home planet. A perfect environment for Mayterial and Meghan to ply their trade.

Halfway through 2393 they had made a name for themselves and could get into higher end clubs. It wasn't unheard of that they joined high end poker games and other gambling pastimes. It was there that they came up with a plan to get their hands on their own freighter. They targeted an up and coming, eager, Orion Syndicate boss. They made a bet he couldn't refuse, set it up perfectly and were able to close the noose around his neck, making it out with a Cardassian built freighter that had been in the service of the Syndicate since the Bajoran occupation. They renamed it the S.S. Fawkes after long deliberation and under heavy influence of Meghan, who had always had a fascination for the British cult figure.

During the years on the Fawkes Meghan wanted to use their new found vessel to set up a more extensive distribution for the wares they had handled in the early 80's. Mayterial wanted nothing to do with it and hoped that she would be able to keep the operations running without the need for illegitimate business. So Meghan started to set up the operation behind the back of her partner in the venture and in life. It was a successful enterprise until they stumbled across a sting operation in 2395. Following a longwinded process Meghan was convicted and due to her repeat infractions was sentences to 10 years in a Federation correctional facility.
Service Record 2379 - 2381 : Prisoner, Federation Correctional Facility, La Santé, Paris
2381 - 2385 : Bartender, The Amber Set'leth, Rangalor VI
2385 - 2390 : Prisoner, Federation Correctional Facility, La Santé, Paris
2390 - 2393 : Jack of all trades, United Federation of planets, Cardassian Union, Romulan Star Empire, et. al.
2393 - 2395 : First Mate, S.S. Fawkes, Independant (UFP)
2395 - Present : Prisoner, Federation Correctional Facility, La Santé, Paris