S.S. Fawkes - CF-142AC
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Meeting the Quartermaster

Posted on Sunday February 3rd, 2019 @ 07:22 hours by Ares Onasis & Ami Lewis

Mission: Smugglers Need Not Apply
Location: Quartermaster's Office
739 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure


Ami had a list of essential supplies that she wanted to be always on hand. And the best place for those was to go visit the quartermaster. After the First mate had left, she had snagged her list and made her way to the Quartermaster's office. She rapped on the door jam. And waited.

Ares's eyes moved up to her office door. She had barely gotten a breath in once she officially began her duties. It was a welcome change finally having something to do other than think about certain things... or certain people. "Come in," she called out as she moved some of the PADDs that were already making themselves comfortable on her desk.

Ami stepped in. "Hi, I am the ship's medic. I was told you would be able to assist with keeping certain items on hand"

"You were told right," Ares smirked, looking over at the standoff-ish woman. It seemed most of the crew, including her, was that way. It was a breath of fresh air since being a police officer forced her to be friendly with everyone. "You got a wish-list?"

"I do" Ami held out the PADD. "Basic Medical Supplies with a few more exotic things in there. Mainly for burns and phaser wounds."

Ares raised her eyebrow slightly at the more exotic items on the list. How the hell was she going to be able to get a hold of them with barely any budget? If Mayterial was out of the criminal world, Ares was just about to pull her back in. "I'll see what I can do," she stated quickly as she placed it on the top of the slightly leaning pile. She looked back up at the woman and gave her a jut of her chin. "So, Doctor, huh?"

Ami considered her response. "Yes." She replied carefully.

Ares gave her a slow nod. "Nice." The silence had thickened between them, giving her a bit of comfort. The only person she really enjoyed talking to was dead so there really was no point in forcing conversation if it didn't serve her any purpose.

"Those supplies are not urgent, because I managed to get everything stocked up prior to departure, but next time you see them, maybe just grab a few extra. Never hurts to be prepared." Ami said feeling like she should leave. She stepped backwards. "And if you could let me know where they are stored and make sure the drugs are locked up ok?"

"Sure," Ares stated as she quickly looked over the list again. She then noticed the woman walking back, "Oh, is the Captain requiring us to go through some bullshit physical or something?" She was not a fan of being poked and proded, especially when she had been a cop and had been required to go through yearly physicals. She eventually just turned her exams into little games just to mess with the medical staff.

"No the captain has not ordered that. This is not Starfleet, that said, you need to make sure your inoculations are up to date." Ami replied as she paused in the doorway.

Ares lips curled up into a smirk at the mention of the Fleet. "Fleeter? Or former, at least?"

"I am not a fleeter. I am a normal person who just happens to be a doctor." Ami said her tone getting colder. "And I was just giving you information, if you want to contract Bolian shingles be my guest. The treatment is rather horrid."

I'll take that as a yes, Ares thought amusingly to herself. The woman had gotten rather defensive rather quickly and unexpectedly just at the mention of Starfleet. Without wanting to ruffle any feathers Ares let the rather awkward moment lie peacefully. It really wasn't her business prying into the doctor's personal affairs. "I don't plan on it, Doctor."

Ami merely inclined her head. "Thank you for taking care of the list. Have a nice day" and with that she left the office.

Ares couldn't help but grin a bit at the interaction. What a bunch of misfits, the thought passed through briefly. The doctor needed a bit of help with her bedside manner but it's not like they were a bunch of whiney prisses. At least she wasn't going to have to worry about being bugged by her unless she was dying. Either way, wouldn't make a difference to Ares at all.


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