S.S. Fawkes - CF-142AC


Created by Mayterial Droz on Wednesday October 3rd, 2018 @ 08:55 hours

Achievements have been introduced to be a nice way to give an incentive to write and interact with the story and each other! I hope that the achievements are a nice way to seek out original and creative story lines that are enjoyable for everyone to read and write.

Posting achievements

Posting achievements have to do with the frequency, length and partnering in writing your stories on the Fawkes. It goes without saying that all of these will have to be attained in conjunction with high quality of writing that we hold ourselves to.

"Learning to walk" - Write and submit one post weekly for one month

"Hitting a stride" - Write and submit one post weekly for two months

"Born to run" - Write and submit one post weekly for three months

"In the flow" - Write and submit one post of at least 1000 words (can be a joint post)

"In the zone" - Write and submit one post of at least 2000 words (can be a joint post)

"Spaced out" - Write and submit one post of at least 3000 words (can be a joint post)

"Let’s Duet" - Write and submit five joint posts with someone other than the Captain or First Mate

"Put two and two together" - Write and submit ten joint posts with someone other than the Captain or First Mate

"Perfect Harmony" - Write and submit twenty joins posts with someone other than the Captain or First Mate

"No I in Team" - Write and submit a joint post with every member of the crew (not counting NPCs, not counting crew wide joint posts)

NPC Achievements

Without additional side characters the writing would quickly run the risk of becoming stale. As such these achievements are created in an effort to stimulate the creation and use of NPC characters.

"Deck hands are people too!" - Create an Deck Hand NPC and write at least one post with them.

"It's the journey, not the destination" - Create a Passenger NPC and write at least one post with them.

"Come here often?" - Create a Recurring Character NPC and write at least one post with them.

"Lend me a hand" - Write a joint post between your main character and someone else’s Deck Hand NPC

"You going where I’m going?" - Write a joint post between your main character and someone else’s Passenger NPC

"You look horribly familiar" - Write a joint post between your main character and someone else’s Recurring Character NPC

Crew Votes

At the conclusion of any major storyline we will open up a poll to decide on who the crew things deserves these achievements for contributions to the contract's main story. You can nominate any post by notifying the Command Staff.

"Open Mic Night" - Voted by the crew for having the most hilarious one liner, comeback, or joke in a post during the contract.

"Edge of our Seats" - Voted by the crew for having the most exciting action packed post during the contract.

"There's something in my eye" - Voted by the crew for having the most emotionally engaging post during the contract.

"Kind of a big deal" - Voted by the crew for having the best overall contribution over the course of the contract (requires at least 3 posts during the course contract).

Story achievements

These achievements are story centric and challenge you to develop your character in a variety of ways. Some of them will be achievable in a single post, others will require a bit more follow up. It's only possible to achieve one of these per post/series of posts that qualify.

"A rose by any other name..." - Have your character go through a romantic subplot (minimum of three posts).

"With friends like these…" - Have your character go through a (friendly) rivalry with another character (minimum of three posts).

"Too good to be true" - Have your character set up an elaborate deception (minimum of three posts).

"Sting like a bee" - Have your character be involved in a fist fight.

"Chew bubblegum" - Have your character be involved in a fire fight.

"Imagine all the People" - Have your character resolve a conflict without violence.

"If the walls had ears" - Have your character be alone in your quarters for an entire post.

"That’s the charm" - Have your character be hindered in their everyday work by incompatible or failing technology aboard the Fawkes

"Just LaForge ahead!" - Have your character repair a piece of failing technology

"Elbow grease" - Have your character resolve an issue or situation that normally is done easily with help of technology, without the use of any technology.

"You require more minerals" - Have your character be unable to purchase an item or service due to lack of funds.

"Chipping in" - Have you character arrange for an additional source of income for the Fawkes, either in the form of cargo or a passenger.

"The usual suspects" - Have your character end up in a holding cell.

Contract Specific achievements

Short Treks

A Blast from the Past - Write a story set prior to the year 2379

Looking forward to it - Write a story set after the year 2400

Another side of you - Write a story involving one of your characters currently on the active manifest of the Fawkes

Stranger in a strange land - Write a story involving no previously established character

Roddenberry's vision - Write a story that highlights the tenets of Roddenberry's utopian vision of the future

Into a mirror Darkly - Write a story that is the antithesis of Roddenberry's vision of the future (doesn't have to be the mirror universe)

Contract 1 - Pixie Dust

“Pixie Dust” - Have your character on the S.S. Fawkes during the events of the Pixie Dust storyline.

"Is this the real life" - Get settled in to the normal day to day operation on the Fawkes. Create a post with your character doing some of their core tasks on the Fawkes.

"Is this just fantasy" - Have you character consume some of the contaminated water and feel the first of the effects of the 'dust'

"Caught in a landslide" - Have your character lose track of reality and slide away into a bad trip.

"No escape from reality" - Have your character come down from the effects of the hallucinogenic and crash back into reality, taking stock of what has happened over the past few days.

“Went full Tinkerbell” - Achieve all the different achievements in the Pixie Dust achievement group.

The awarding of these achievements is always at the discretion of the Captain and/or the Command Staff. Some achievements might not be awarded if they are achieved while losing sight of the spirit in which these achievements were conceived.

Categories: Guides