S.S. Fawkes - CF-142AC


Created by Mayterial Droz on Friday April 12th, 2019 @ 12:09 hours

Home world
The home world of Telemnar is located in the star-system of Menari, officially the fourth out of six planets in the systems. Federation has catalogued the planet under Menari IV. It's quite a standard M-Class planet. Slightly less than average gravitational constant (9,02374 m/s), slight higher than average humidity and a very common nitrogen-oxide atmosphere (~78% nitrogen, ~21% oxygen, ~1% other gasses). Each lunar cycle takes more than an Earth one (total of 342 days) and a day is 35,74 Earth hours. 73% of the surface is water, only 22% inhabitable landmass, the rest is desert, polar region or cliffs. The landmass is divided in 8 different continents, all of which have four districts, two major cities and one council of three Palami seated in the continent capital.
The government is an elective monarchy, at the head of which is an all powerful Palami, chosen from the council-members which are currently in office when the monarch dies and passes on into the next life. At the point of appointment the leading Palami takes the title of Palempo and chooses one of the three historical Palami leaders. Currently Mithryn III is on the throne at an age of 623.

Recorded history goes back over ten thousand years, because of the longer lifespan of the average Telemnar most of this history is anecdotal rather than proven or written down in stone. Much of it is tainted with bloody struggle and skewed in the favour of the final victorious forces in the global wars. A total of seven global wars have been fought over dominance of several, if not all, continents. As a consequence the victorious Palami and Prometh have shaped the story of the wars in their favour. During the 6th war they joined forces to almost obliterate the grey skinned Durhen.
Much of the kin system has resulted directly from the outcome of the 6th and 7th wars, both the Durhen and the Roghen fought the, ever growing, alliance that was initially started by the Palami and Prometh. In the end they capitulated on account of just not having any soldiers left to send to the front. Earliest known history of the Telemnarians is a nomadic one, each living in blissful ignorance of the other continents and kins, each adapting to the very specific environments of their respected continents. In objective analysis it can only be concluded that the only reason the Palami and Prometh now place so high in both technological progress and the social hierarchy is because of lucky environmental placement. In their religion it is translated as divine purpose.
There is simply too much difference between the continents and kins to give a general overview of the history, all the contact between the kins has been a violent one until resources ran low, as did the people who were willing (and able) to fight. The seven wars have made any reliable record keeping nearly impossible and most of the remaining historical evidence is tipped heavily in favour of the ones it left in power.

The Telemnarians are split up in different Kins, a kin being similar to a Caste or social class in the history of Earth, the kins are differ from each other by skin colour. In the eyes of many Federation species and even the council itself this was a very racist way of running things and to this day the new government, still making steps to join the Federation, tries to nullify the racial differences. But with the lifespan of the species significantly longer than humans it's very hard to find a turning point in the old ways. Below is a list of the different kins in order of Social status (highest first).

Pearl White Skins (Palami)
Highest of Kins, three of them were born into a leadership role. Only very few of them are alive at any given point but their population remains stable. Possibly biggest opponents to joining the Federation. Percentile of Populace: < 1%

Sky Blue Skins (Prometh)
If the Palami are Gods than the Prometh are surely sons of Gods, they do all the public work for the Palami, in roles of representatives, priests and ministers. They make up most of the government and get the highest education available no matter their chosen field or their early childhood scores. (Palami schools aren't considered part of the Educational facilities). Percentile of the Populace: ~8%

Poison Green Skins (Cyrin)
Cyrin are often called the Educated, they are mostly in a scientific role on the home world and can be seen in herds around the educational facilities. Percentile of the Populace: ~12%

Deep Purple Skins (Hudren)
The workforce chiefs. They are supposed to lead the general populace in everyday work. In some rare cases can even become teachers in their chosen speciality, but only if early promise of excessive intelligence is shown and exploited. Percentile of the Populace: ~23%

Bright Yellow Skins (Shobian)
The General work force, they do the generic work with average educations and less than average pays. It takes a really special somebody to get into university when you're born into this kin. Most of them are in the 'services' branch of the workforce. Providing nurses, aides, bars and so on. Percentile of the Populace: ~24%

Blood Red Skins (Roghen)
This is the kin that orders the most elbow grease, they repair things in disrepair, they build, they wreck and they make sure everything keeps working. Only one in a billion ever gets a University education. Percentile of Populace: ~26

Dark Grey Skins (Durhen)
Uneducated, underfed and unemployed, most of them lived in the slums surrounding the major cities, some had build up communities in remote places. After FTL drive was created by the Telemnar and the Federation had made first contact this was the Kin that needed the most work. The main focus of Social services. Due to neglect in the past the population of this Kin has severely plummeted. Percentile of the Populace: ~6%

Cross-Kin Breeds (Kin Delea)
The people that are born into Cross-Kin relationships are outcasts in every way of the word. The general populace is scattered, most are believed to live in the slums but the exact numbers are unknown. Due to great social pressure the cross-breeds are not at all common, since even a cross between Palami and Prometh are considered a violation of the culture. Delea is roughly translated as 'Unwanted' and can be used as a profanity. Percentile of Populace: Unknown.

Physical Differences from other Humanoids
Their general bone and body structure and build make the average Telemnar lighter than humans, their bones are also slightly more brittle than that of most humanoids, so they do not really make great front line soldiers. They make up for this in speed and agility, because they are lighter the gravity obviously has less to pull on making a very well trained Telemnar almost appear to float as they run.
Their big ears aren't only for show, their hearing is slightly better than that of humans, hearing a wider range of frequencies, it is said that if a Telemnar knows you long enough he/she can recognise you by your footsteps, this also makes them slightly more sensitive to loud (environmental) noise. Like their skin colours, which have no significant pro's or con's (apart from the fact that dark skinned can take sunlight better), their eyes also come in a wide range of colours, differing from Kin to Kin. They are almost all light shades, not counting the fully black ones on Palami, that allow for better sight in the dark. Not totally insignificant is the fact that this also makes them prone to going blind from sharp light sources like stars and bright lights shone directly into their eyes.
Perhaps the most interesting physiological difference between Telemnarians and most other humanoids is that, while there are significant physical differences between both genders of the Telemnar species, there can be conception between any combination of genders (Male-Female, Female-Female or Male-Male). As a result the bias towards same-gender relationships is almost non-existent and totally irrelevant to the survival of the species. In essence both the genders are synchronous hermaphrodites or intersexual. The Telemnarians are unable to self-fertilize.

Statistics estimate that at least 94% of the Telemnarians believe in Kasda, a religion that finds similarities with ancient human Buddhism, 5% believe in slight variations thereof and the remaining 1% is unsure what they believe in. These official statistics do not include the Cross-Breed, nor the biggest portion of the Durhen, as they are seen as too unimportant to society.
Like Earth Buddhists the Kasdain believe in reincarnation and the caste system, in their case called kins rather than castes. Despite their bloody history, with a total seven world wars fought, Kasda is a peaceful religion. It was mostly shaped after the last two wars, when Palami and Prometh armies banded together to defend (and finally overcome) the other Kins. The last veterans of the great wars are dying out, the last one was dated over 500 years back. Ever since this last war the Kins were put in place, per the beliefs of the highest two kins, and the entire society was shaped after it.
As such religion is seen throughout the entire day, every act and on every workplace the Telemnarians work. Although since First Contact with the UFP the differences are officially totally nullified most of the workings on the home world remain just as they were. Roghen still 'take' the grunge work while Cyrin still do most of the teaching. It is said that still a lot has to be done about this before they would be ready to become a full fledged member of the UFP.

Language and the Educational System
The main language spoken by Telemnarians is Menari, this language is fully integrated in the universal translator and thus negates the need for the Telemnarians to talk in Federation standard. Although most are taught the standard language of Menari from a very early age remnants of past time remains in their speech. Every kin, and even within the kins themselves, there are dialects or sometimes even totally separate languages spoken. For example, while the Palami talk Menari when making a public appearance but when amongst themselves and sometimes when things need to be secret they talk a language that only the Palami and Prometh talk and are allowed to study. The Hudren have their own dialect called Parlari, which is different in the fact that other being talking Menari can understand it if they take the time to listen to it. In the end this results in over 200 combinations of different languages and dialects spoken on Telemnar.
Taken aforementioned into account there is wide variety in how to introduce oneself to someone as well as the following tradition in how to address people. The top of the society (Palami and Prometh) use the kin names rather than one's individual name when talking to those of lesser social status than themselves, which is effectively everybody. The following kins use terms usually translated to miss and sir by the universal translator for those of equal kin, with the addition of Aear (translated by most as high or great) to the miss or sir. When addressing those of lesser kin they usually employ the last name of the individual which is preceded by Tidsg, which translates into something similar to 'the one that calls himself'. As shown in the subdivision of the different kins (above) the educational system is equally divided. It is only very rarely seen that one of lower kin attends a school that is meant to be for those of a kin upward. The Cyrin provide most professors on universities, except for the private (home) schools the Palami attend. Basic education is mostly occupied by the Hudren.
Since their lifespans seem long enough to take the time to teach their children and themselves all they need to know one would think that the educational system is long stretched and complex. Nothing is quite further from the truth. Basic rule applies that if you are of lower kin you will go to school for a shorter period and start your work early. In essence this means that, while every person starts at the age of three with their education the Roghen finish at the age of 25 (10 years basic education, 10 years higher education, 5 years job specific education), the Hudren at the age of 30 (10 years basic, 10 years higher, 10 years university level) and so on. Nobody knows exactly how long the Palami 'go to school' but most believe that they never stop educating themselves.

Weapons, Crime and the Justice System
Since it doesn't take an excessive amount of blunt force to injure a Telemnar most of the older, non-firing, weapons are razor sharp knifes. They never saw the use for blunt weaponry so the variations of those are far fewer from bladed weapons. The most commonly used bladed weapon was a dual bladed device that could be used as a glove, usually these were worn on both hands.
After the development of an explosive compound not unlike gunpowder at the closing end of the fourth war and in the early days of the fifth things sped up. Most of the guns are double barrelled, even handguns. This is probably because of the inherent agility and elusiveness of the Telemnarians, not that they can dodge bullets but they can confuse the heck out of a shooter. Two barrels equals two bullets, which in turn equals the doubling of hit percentage.
According to Telemnar law any and all form of weaponry is forbidden, only the armed forces and police are legally allowed to carry firearms or other offensive weaponry. This makes the illegal trading in aforementioned weapons an even more attractive and profitable ordeal.
Most of the crime is blue collar crime, committed by the lowest three social groups. The slums of the big cities and some parts of the desolate lands are a breeding spot for criminals and criminal organisations. Continued police investigations and trials captivate the Durhen in fear and isolation.
In the past the justice system was heavily biased towards excluding the higher kins and punishing the lower ones, more often than not was a Durhen or Roghen punished for a crime committed by (or in cooperation with) a higher kin'ed member of society. The judges are all from the Cyrin kin, most lawyers are Hudren. Trials are, like any other aspect of the society, heavily laden with ceremony. Every trial, no matter how big or small, is concluded in five days.
On the first day the charges are read, depending on how long they are this is usually a very short hearing and it is not uncommon for several different cases being started on the same day. The second day the prosecutor, which is almost always represented by the state as private suits are very few and far in between, gets a chance to lay a general outline for their suspicions and this is where most of the evidence is presented to the judge. The third day the defence gets a chance to refute the charges and try and make a good case for the defender, if a witness was present on the second day they will most likely be called upon during the third as well. On the fourth day the prosecutor can react to the defendant's claims made and try to proof that they are right, there is no chance for the defendant to further react to the prosecutor's accusations during this trial day. On the fifth and final day both the parties get the chance for a final statement and the defendant can plead guilty or not-guilty, in the prosecutor's case this is the day in which they announce the amount of penalty. After this the judge will almost always immediately find the defendant guilty or non-guilty and the penalty is rarely something other than the prosecution demands.

Categories: Adversaries