S.S. Fawkes - CF-142AC
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Things we pick up along the way

Posted on Wednesday February 19th, 2020 @ 11:04 hours by Mayterial Droz & Carl Clark IX

Mission: Hot Couture
Location: The Self-Sealing Stembolt Bar and Grill - SB32
Timeline: MD07 - 2130 hours
1995 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure

The night had become rather long and arduous. May hadn't sat still since they had docked with Starbase 32 in the Berune system. She was glad to have found a small, dimly lit, hole in the wall pub to grab a drink and some peace and quiet. That was three drinks ago, by now she was feeling the strong liquor sink in. It didn't stop her from trying her charms on one of the locals though, "I don't need to be an Empath to see that you're into me." She leaned quasi nonchalantly on the bar, more for support than for the suave demeanour she had been aiming for.

The blond woman she had approached looked her up and down and cocked an eyebrow, "Seriously? That works for you?"

Mayterial shrugged, "It gets the job done." She reached out and gently rubbed the woman's upper arm.

The woman simply shook her head, "It's bad enough that the men our here have no class," she pulled her arm back and sighed before taking her drink and making her way over to the other side of the bar.

"Don't harass my customers, y'hear." The bartender came closer to May and looked at her sternly, "Or I'll have ye removed."

Giving a half-assed salute, "Aye-aye, sir. I read you. Loud and clear." Mayterial wasn't sure whether to be glad or sad that the woman walked away from her. If she had been more clear headed then she would've been able to wind her around her finger. She knew it. But she wasn't really drunk. She finished the drink with a large swig before putting the glass back on the counter with a bit too much force, "Oh. Sorry." She laughed, "Oops. Nothing broken. We're good." Another bout of laughter followed.

The roar of the laughter did not fall on deaf ears, as many patrons seeking solace, prevailed in various states of intoxication. For a select few, the pub was not just a place for the drunkard. The pub was also a place for the hungry. There are times when hard days of work were to be compensated for a hot meal and a pint. It did not satisfy every urge; however, as the hot meal always came at a price. The costs were not as high as other places, but it still burned a hole in one's account. There were exceptions; however, by saving up for one good meal a week instead of meals barely called a ration.

One such example was in the way of a young man named Carl Maximus Clark IX, who went by the family cat Onyx. His duffle bag rested behind him with the zippers locked, and his strap wrapped securely around his body to deter theft. In front of him was an advert for the cheapest meal he could get that would sustain him: fish and chips with a special of the house ale in a pint glass. He could afford more, but he had his savings to consider. There were not that many ships in the sector that offered labor in exchange for travel, so he has to take odd jobs to have the money for transportation when the jobs dried up. In Onyx's present case, the jobs dried up, and he got a lead on a post on a neighboring settlement. It did not pay much, but it was money he did not have.

Onyx himself was an average looking human, with short black hair and a clean-shaven face. At first glance, some might have thought that he was Star Fleet, but he was just a typical young man.

Walking inside the pub, he made his way through the patrons and found himself a seat to where he could make his order. Underneath his calm exterior, he was nervous, excited, anxious, and lonesome. He missed his family, but more importantly, he missed doing what he does best, work aboard the ship. Star Fleet was not an option, out of respect for his family. All of that was on his mind was figuring out how to survive long enough to get to his next employment.

"What can I get you?"

The voice of a male waiter registered in his ears, Onyx curved his head up to see a rather short and stout Ferangi looking back at him.

"Oh, the house special fish and chips and a pint, please."

The waiter took down the order, and Onyx used that time of waiting to look around, careful not to make eye contact.

Mayterial turned just at the moment that Onyx looked her way, locking eyes with him before he could look away, "Wow, are you even old enough to be in here?" She called across the room.

Onyx gazed upon the woman as she asked him the rather blunt question. It did happen often, Onyx had to admit, when he clean shaved. Onyx could not help but to think about some kind of reply. Part of him wanted to get on the defensive, however what he said next could either be smooth, or it could get him killed. His curiosity through wanted him to get killed.

"I am old enough to know that it would be considered rude to ask a lady the same question."

"Not old enough to realise I'm no lady," Mayterial shook her head and gave a wide smile as she got up from the seat and made her way over to his table, she was a bit unsteady and couldn't really focus on the guy in front of her, she sat down without any sort of grace "what are you doing all the way out here?"

Onyx watched her and he had to backtrack a little as he started to feel a rush from his body. A woman, an attractive woman, regardless of whether she is a lady or not, was giving him attention. He already knew that anything more than a platonic conversation was not going to happen, which relieved his anxiety somewhat.

"I am..."

He gave a pause as he chuckled softly at the reality.

"I was working at the shipyard as a temp. Now I am waiting for a ship to take me to a new job in the next settlement in the sector."

Onyx took a respectful sip of his pint as he still waited for his food to arrive. He did have a thought of sorrow for not staying aboard the Pacific Reef.

"And that is why I am here, one job to the next. Story of my life really."

"I have a ship," May nodded, as if she really wanted to convince him of the fact, "It's a good ship. Groumall class," She then shook her head, "Can't kill a Groumall. Trust me. They tried." Her gaze became a bit darker as she leaned in, "They tried to kill it from inside." She took a swig from her drink, "I didn't let them."

One did not need to be an emphatic nor telepathic to recognize that look in someone's eyes. This is not someone who was a typical member of a crew. Such emotion coming from an individual either has been there the longest, or is the one who others call Captain. Onyx could not be too sure, but he saw an opportunity. He needed passage, and she had a ship.

"That's good you did not let them. Honestly, I do not have much money left and I do not know your plans after you leave here. I was wondering if it was possible for me to work for my passage? I worked on my family's ship the Pacific Reef since I was a child and I am a fast learner. And, I won't be at all inclined to kill your ship, from the inside or outside."

"Good. Good." Mayterial her mind seemed to drift off before she refocused on the guy in front of her as the food he ordered was placed in front of him, "Come by the docking ring tomorrow, I'll introduce you to our Bosun." She reached out and grabbed two of his fries before getting up from the seat and swerving in the direction of someone that had just walked in.

She grabbed his fries. This woman, grabbed his fries. The very woman who just agreed to help him just took food off of his plate. He saw his mother steal food off of his father's plate. His grandfather told him stories of how Onyx's grandmother would always take food from his plate just because. The passengers Onyx catered too did the same thing if they were a couple. Onyx never had a girlfriend, hell he had never been kissed before. What did it mean? Did she take more of an interest in him than Onyx expected? Is that what she does with males? Could he sue this woman? Could this woman be arrested? Could Onyx be arrested for serving food to another without a license? It then dawned on him that he referred to her as 'the woman.' They did not exchange names. It also dawned on him that she was probably a little drunk.

In either case, Onyx ate his food as he thought he was taking his time. A typical person might finish the plate of food within about 20 minutes if enjoying the night. The whole meal would be in Onyx's stomach within 10. He never ate like a pig, he just ate fast and focused on eating. He also focused on the woman, just to make sure she would be okay and not get herself in trouble.

The evening progressed as many of these kinds of evenings do in a place like this. People came and went, sometimes they came alone and left together. After a couple more drinks with a particularly attractive woman Mayterial thought she'd have a warm body to lay with in the cold night. It came as a surprise as this one also blew her off. It shouldn't have. If she could've seen herself in that moment she wouldn't have gone with her either. She leaned over the bar and closed her eyes. Perhaps it was better if she just slept here. At least she wouldn't have to go back to her responsibilities. For the night she'd just be May, a drunk vagrant in a shady lounge with the smell of whisky on her breath.

Onyx kept an eye on her, and he did his best to keep his tab low, which thankfully it did. Taking a look at his savior from the star base, he thought he could just walk out of the bar and meet her at the ship. Something however told him to check on her. Sighing to himself, he turned around and he approached the woman whose name he had no idea. Taking a look at her closely, he could she that she was out. The whiskey was on her breath and Onyx shook his head.

"Don't bother kid, I think she's out for the count."

Onyx nodded slowly as he backed up, adjusting his bag behind his back to make sure it will not be in the way. The look on Onyx's face showed the bartender that Onyx had every intention on carrying this woman all the way back to her ship by any means necessary. Wither it would be slumped next to him with her arm around Onyx's back, carrying her in a fireman's carry, or perhaps even in his arms in a manner that would make people guess incorrectly about the terms of their cooperation. Either way, she was sleeping in her own bed that night.

"Are you sure you can carry her on your own?"

Onyx heard the question from another patron, and Onyx remembered an old song from a long gone age.

"She ain't heavy. She's my Captain."


Mayterial Droz


Carl 'Onyx' Clark IX
Deck Hand (Ordinary)

S.S. Fawkes

"While we're on the way to there, Why not share"


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